The Oregon Accreditation Alliance was formed in April 2001. The Alliance changed its name to Northwest Accreditation Alliance in January 2024. It was created under the direction and authority of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association, and the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials. The Alliance mutually supports and endorses the continued improvement of law enforcement and emergency communications services by establishing professional standards of accountability, management, and operations.
The Northwest Accreditation Alliance Board governs the Accreditation Alliance. The Board is composed of representatives from the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association, the Oregon Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, and the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP). The purpose of the Board is to review all agencies being presented for state accreditation to ensure that compliance with all applicable standards has been met. If all requirements have been met, the Board nominates the candidate agency to the respective parent organization for the award of state accreditation.
The Northwest Accreditation Alliance Board meets three times each year, in the months of January, April, and September.